South African Radiation Protection Society (SARPS)

Secretary: Vincent Maselesele
Member: Thendo Alidzulwi
Member: Lutendo Nethwadzi
Secretary: Vincent Maselesele
Member: Thendo Alidzulwi
Member: Lutendo Nethwadzi
SARPS (South African Radiation Protection Society) falls under the umbrella of the SAAPMB. It was established in 1970 with the objective to provide a medium where persons engaged in the professional practice of health physics may advance the science of health physics. SARPS’s emphasis it to promote Radiation Protection in Health Care. The Society seeks to reduce the radiation dose received by the public, workers and patients by promoting awareness of the radiation protection procedures and techniques. This is achieved through congresses, lectures and ongoing training among its members.
The Society provides a forum for the discussion of radiation protection issues and its resource centre for radiation protection. The interest of SARPS is being served by an annually elected executive committee and the Society currently has 90 members.
The Society provides a forum for the discussion of radiation protection issues and its resource centre for radiation protection. The interest of SARPS is being served by an annually elected executive committee and the Society currently has 90 members.